Saturday, February 20, 2021

Songleader Boot Camp post #3: February 14, 2021's sessions

February 14, 2021

Here's some running commentary on Sunday, February 14, 2021's #slbc21
Songleader Boot Camp (SLBC Group)
sessions. I'll probably just keep adding as I go to other sessions.
Woven in among his wonderful words of Torah, @Rabbi
Bradley Shavit Artson
, asked why Jews always have to justify being Jewish. I think it's because we're so often been Gerim Toshavim, "resident aliens," in other people's lands. It's part of the bi-cultural nature of diaspora Judaism to have to prove that being Jewish in addition to being whatever else we are is a good thing.
Josh Warshawsky
marveled over all the good Torah we're missing by mumbling through the prayers. Such gems he uncovered! Then he put his "looping pedal" to work and sang some of those gems in multi-part harmony. Wonderful!❤
Rebecca Lesser Dubowe
, Cantor
Ellen Dreskin
, and
Eliana Light
taught that sometimes shifting one's focus in prayer from what G?d can do to what we can do as G?d's partners might help us pray. Also, music, movement, and thoughts spoken aloud can be tools to help our kavvanah/focus.


Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Copied from Facebook:

Judy Ariel Thomas
Ah, that looping pedal!!!

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Shira Salamone
If memory serves me correctly, one of the songs that Rabbi Josh Warshawsky
sang this afternoon was this beautiful "Gam Ki Eilech," by him and his frequent songwriting partner, Coleen Dieker

Sat Feb 27, 10:59:00 PM 2021  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Let me try posting that link again:

Sat Feb 27, 11:02:00 PM 2021  

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